Thursday, July 21, 2011

What the Dog Saw!

This blog titled after a book that I have been reading recently by the New Yorker Writer Malcolm Gladwell, “What the Dog Saw.” I saw the author on Steven Colbert’s show on TV and have been curious about his book since then. A colleague of mine brought this to work and I immediately borrowed it from her and have been reading since then. Although, it is not the most interesting book, it is funny that I have found my thoughts matching with his. In his book, the author mentions something on needing to write about everyday people and seeing the world from a common person’s perspective. That is exactly I have been doing since I came to BKK; funny I even started blogging about everyday mundane things.

The title was particularly inspiring for this blog because of an incident related to dog. I was at my lunch break from work last Monday and for the first time in several weeks we had decided to eat at one of those tables outside because the weather was comparatively cooler. I was staring at the road, when I saw the strangest view of my life and it was neither meant for a circus nor a stunt. It was a small cute white puppy riding at the back of a motorcycle!!! It was strange to see how he was standing at the back of the bike in a perfect balance; perhaps his four legs helped him with that. His owner looked perfectly calm as if he was carrying a human who could hold on to him in case of twists and turns. I kept on wondering what that dog saw, how safe he saw himself riding at the bike! Had he ever fallen off the bike before? As these things worried me, the traffic light turned green and the bike vanished. I blinked for a second and wished I had my camera with me to capture that moment. I came back home after work to search about that dog and someone had already managed to put his video on youtube and google, haha.

One thing is for sure, other animals are more intelligent than we think they are! Incidences like these prove to me that the world has been evolving and so are its beings for better.


  1. oh yes, we are evolving!!!! and your blog is getting more interesting every day!!! love this post :)
