Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Annoying Butt Market

It has been exactly a week since a colleague of mine got pick pocketed at the Chatuchak market. Her aunts were visiting Thailand and hence as a good host she tagged along with them to show them the marvelous Chatuchak market. As crowded as the market gets, there are high chances of being pick pocketed there. Hence, she warned her relatives to be extra careful at the market place but unfortunately she was the one who became the target and got robbed. Lucky for her though because she received a random facebook message the next day from some guy telling her that he has found her credit cards and apartment keys at his shop. So she was set to go and pick it up but the guy’s apartment happened to be pretty far, which made her skeptic of his story and hence she was scared to go by herself. Although I did not think that it was unsafe, I offered to tag along with her anyway. After riding a taxi for complete hour outside of the main town in Bangkok, we finally reached this mystery place and thankfully, we were not kidnapped by goons.

The first time I heard the market name, chatuchak, I could not believe it because the word “chatu” means annoying and “chak” means butt in Nepali. Although I was sure that the market had nothing to do with annoying butts I had to go check it out because chatuchak market is apparently world’s largest weekend market. It is only open Saturday and Sundays and most of the things are priced lower than you can find elsewhere. What is more amazing is that if you are bargainer then you can still make the vendors lower their marked prices.

At a glance it looks like this market has more than 1000 stalls in over 25 acres of land. The market is so versatile as you can find anything from home decorations to antiques and handicrafts, natural beauty products, toys, clothes and accessories, you name it. I got so overwhelmed by so many choices that I ended up buying nothing. So I am planning to visit there again and be more productive with my shopping. J

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