Monday, July 18, 2011

Joy of a True Householder

It was finally Friday, my long awaited day of the week for obvious reasons. This Friday, however, was more exciting because I had made a date with a friend to visit BIG C and buy some household supplies and some cooking materials for my apartment because I had planned to use my kitchen for the first time in two weeks since I had moved in. So I changed out of my work clothes and made a list of things that I wanted to buy. Then I called my friend and headed towards the store. On my way, I found the same Thai couple again at the reception and got to play with the baby for few minutes.

I took a big cart and started driving around with my list and crossing off stuff. At the end, I had added nail polish and polish remover to my shopping list and had not found lentils and garlic ginger paste. So I decided to get them at an international food store that my friend’s boy friend mentioned and came back home with the shopping. Only later I realized that I had forgotten to put honey and multi-plug in my list so that calls for my shopping next Friday. As a means to thank them and to show off my cooking skills, I invited my friend and her bf to my first dinner cooking ceremony at home.

I cooked rice, chicken curry, greens and omelets. I added ghee to our meal for flavor and my friend’s bf seemed to love it. Since ghee is associated with purity, one is not supposed to add it in the middle of the meal but only at the beginning; however, we defied those rules and added it with every helping. My friends loved the food, which was satisfying because I had not cooked in weeks and was nervous about how it would come out. After the meal, my friend helped me do the dishes, which I am very thankful for because as much as I love cooking, I hate doing the dishes afterwards. I also had some left over rice, chicken and eggs that I ate the next day, which saved me from cooking by myself. There is nothing better than having company and being able to cook for them. I have finally performed all the duties of a true householder; I am now a happy householder J.

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