Sunday, July 17, 2011

From Boxes to Boxers!!!

Hindu religion has divided human lives into four stages that everyone must experience. After passing the infant stage, it is the student stage followed by the householder stage. Although I am not completely done with my student life, moving into an apartment after college has certainly given me some feel to the householder stage. Moving into an apartment was less hectic for me because most of the BKK apartments come fully furnished and I got luckier because one of my coworkers, who is from Nepal, moved to a country office in Viet Nam, which saved a lot of shopping for me such as cooking utensils, cleaning supplies, decorations, and so on.

It was a Sunday evening and I was supposed to go collect some stuff from him to bring back to my apartment so I called him and he asked me to bring some cardboard boxes so that he could pack some of his stuff for posting. Although I had planned to take my huge luggage bag to bring back stuff from his apartment, I decided not to as it would be hard to take the boxes and the bag in the heavy rain. So I decided to wait for a while at the reception of my apartment building and found a Thai couple with a really cute baby to spend time with. After the rain stopped, I walked to BIG C, a supermarket, to get the cardboard boxes. As I had never shopped at this store before, I was not sure where I could find them so I approached a staff and asked him about the cardboard boxes. The staff gave me a strange expression and led me to one of the isles in the clothes section. It was then I knew why he had given me a funny look, he took me to men’s boxers section. Haha, the wonders of speaking different languages!

I laughed and asked him that I was looking for boxes and not boxers. I looked for a cardboard piece around, showed it to him and made a big box shape with my hands. So he inquired about boxes to the staff who were shelving but we could not find any large size boxes so I went to a nearby post office, which was on the ground floor. I bought three large cardboard boxes from them and they helped me get a taxi since the boxes were heavy and impossible to carry all the way to my friend’s apartment. I found out that they had too many stuff to give out and hence I made two trips to get all the stuff back to my apartment. One thing that I learned from that day is to speak and act when I bought peculiar things such as cardboard boxes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you might have been buying it for your brother haha :D thats so funny :)
