Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Honey Hunter

Last couple weeks have been pretty rough for everyone at office. We had a big weeklong meeting with country officers from all over the world. This stressful event went extremely successful, everything was organized and on time just as written in agenda. However, after the event, couple people in my office became sick. One of them had to take 3 days off to take a bed rest and the other one took a day off.

Even I started feeling something wrong with my throat. This made me paranoid. I did not want a day off, as I wanted to take a holiday later during winter break. I have learned since my childhood that honey and ginger cures all kinds of cough and cold. So I immediately went on a hunt for ginger and honey. I went to Seven Eleven, which is a min walk from my place. I searched everywhere but to my surprise I did not find any honey. I saw a honey like thing in a tube by the counter, picked to check it out. The label on the tube was green and in Thai. It looked like a face wash. Frustrated, I went to a nearby super market and searched for it in the section where I could find all kinds of jam and bread spread. But there was no sign of honey. So I approached a store worker, hesitant, thinking if they knew what honey meant in Thai. Luckily, she knew what I was talking about and took me to the very end of the corner most isle and there it was, in a face wash looking tube with green Thai letters printed on it. So, the thing that I found at Seven Eleven, and discarded, thinking it was a face wash turned out to be honey. On the positive side, that extra walk of ten minutes to the super market, helped me burn some fat that I had taken earlier through a very oily Thai dish.

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