Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Where Creativity Knows No Bounds :)

Among many other things such as cheap food and clothes, fresh fruits, vegetables and smoothies at every corner of the road, there is another thing that stood out to me in BKK. People here are very creative and by that I mean majority of them, be it a local vendor or a great dress designer. It is hard for anyone here to starve to death. I have seen toys, hats and purses made up of recycled soda cans. I have seen amazing motorcycles and scooters with so many businesses being carried on them. The first one that I saw was a whole vegetable shop being carried on it. Then it was a fast food noodle shop. Finally, I got to see the motorcycle taxis, where men are in orange shirts and they take you to places faster than any regular four wheeler taxis. I am yet to ride one of those taxis though.

I found a soap in Jatuchak market that had built in body scrubber, no need to get an external one. When it comes to clothing, I am sure we all have seen how creative and cute BKK designs are. I came across one of these scarves that had beads and crystals sawn into them. So along with your pretty scarves, you can also show off the fancy jewels without having to wear them separately. I am sure the Western countries will soon have them imported in large numbers. I also saw a pair of bra with detachable covers so that if you wanted to wear low cut clothes without revealing your bra then you could just attach those cute covers on top of your bras. In addition, dresses with shorts styled skirt can be found easily which are very convenient to wear. I also saw fancy umbrellas shaped like wine bottles, cartoon characters and Japanese dolls.

Creativity knows no bounds here: Yesterday, I saw rows of men standing on the high bridge of the King’s river and fishing with rods that had its strings at least 500m long. As the fishing was done deep inside the river, they could find fish at a higher frequency. The men used binoculars to confirm if they had caught any fish at the far end of their fishing rods. BKK is a city, which gets light rainfalls pretty often. Although the rain usually starts and ends within 2-5 minutes, it certainly causes discomfort for vendors that are selling fruits, vegetables, meat, etc on their carts. Hence, the vendors walk around with emergency plastic covers that they cover their carts with in case of rain and still continue with their business. To those who are looking for niche, come visit BKK and go back to start up a great business!!!

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