Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Day(s) my Phone Decided to Die

It was one of those college M n C (milk and cookies) times. As much as I love snacks, I could never miss a healthy one. As soon as the time in my laptop said 9.30 PM, I grabbed my “hugs and kisses” mug and of course my phone. It may sound crazy but I take my phone everywhere with me, even in the shower. With a full mug of milk and phone in one hand and some chocolate chip cookies in my other hand, I was walking back to my room. Just when I leaned forward to open the door to my room, my phone slipped into the milk as if it did not want to be with me anymore. After almost a year of relationship with me, it wanted to leave me and that too by such cheap attempt? But I would not let it happen; I could not give up on it yet. I am a committed person and I would do anything to save my relationship.

I washed my phone with water immediately (I know it seems a crazy thing to do...washing it with water after it was already soaked in milk but I could not let my phone stay dirty and sticky from the milk. After washing and cleaning, I dried my phone with soft hand tissues and then dried it with my hair dryer. Since the hair dryer made the phone real hot, I let it cool for a while and then left it to rest for hours. After a good rest, I switched it back and to my surprise the phone started working. It did not give up on me. My love proved to be powerful.

Almost after a year of the incident I came to Thailand. It took some adjusting for us to reinvent our relationship with a new surrounding and of course the new network and sim card. We seemed to be doing well until one morning when I was really sleepy and moved reluctantly out of my bed. In the process, my phone fell into the garbage bin. I had not been feeling that well the previous night and the bin was full of cough...(I know! Yewww). Although it was disgusting, I could not let my phone drown in it so I picked it up and bathed it for the second time, only praying to God that he would do miracle again. But this time, I was getting late for work so I took it to work with me and kept giving it a jerk as if to make it vomit out all the water that it had swallowed. But still the phone was making sounds as if it was in great pain and the screen kept flashing. I even gave it mouth to mouth which I had learned recently at one of the UN training.

After about an hour of work, I could no longer bear to see my phone suffer and hence I went off to find a hair dresser. I asked the hairdresser for a hair dryer and she looked at me as if i was crazy. Instead she suggested that I took it and handed it over to a phone mechanic. But I had full trust in my phone and I did not want to hand it over to some stranger. So I offered to pay for electricity but she lent me a hair dryer and for free. Then she went off about her work, giving some private time to me and my phone. I dried my phone again and let it rest for few hours. Then with much love and prayer, I switched it on during lunch break and to my surprise, it was working again. I could not believe my luck. I felt an unnatural connection with my phone. We were meant to be together for longer than this.

It is perhaps not healthy to be attached to technology this way and one day it will probably stop working. But hey, just because there is an ending to every story does not mean we do not enjoy the ride, right?


  1. Roomie, this is great breakfast reading :]] You and your phone are meant to be, through milk and vomit!

  2. good luck to u and ur phone..may u have many more lovin years ahead!! my phones dont like to stay with me too long :( but this ones been with me for more than a year and i am inspired by ur story to take good care of it :)

  3. oh sis,ur emotionally attached to to love ma fone.kept mine n my fren all old fones.
