Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Beautiful Dream/Reality

I woke up this morning to find this quote on my friend’s facebook status, "That we come to this earth to live is untrue. We come but to sleep, to dream -Aztec poem.” Such a beautiful coincidence since I have been recently fascinated by dreams. I often have powerful dreams, some of which I have accounted through my previous blogpost named Living the Subconscious. Some of my dreams are so vivid that they feel absolutely real while I am dreaming and later I can remember most of the events as if they were real life events.
Among many of my dreams, there is a recent one that shall perhaps remain with me until the end of my journey. I have never given much thought to spiritual aspect of my life, which may be due to the fact that I believe in living the spirituality rather than exploring for its meanings. I believe that one can be spiritual in one’s actions, be it working in an office or merely cooking at home. It is a continuous process rather than an end for me. Hence, my dream came as a shock to me in some ways. I dreamt that I was playing on one of those huge bouncing balls, which was black in color. In the process, I lost control of the ball (on purpose) and started going with the flow. Suddenly I found that I was bouncing on mountain top and my ball rolled me off a cliff. For a fraction of a second, just before I fell, I felt afraid but then immediately after the fall I became calmer. The black ball was in a free fall and so was I. My mind became like a blank space and the only things existed were the fall and I. It was an ultimate freedom that I have ever experienced, a genuine euphoria. I remember thinking in my dream “So this is what nirvana is!”
Although it was just a dream, nirvana (as I know from my dream) is the most beautiful thing ever. It feels so real that I have come to believe that dreams can be as real as reality. I still cannot get my head around to what must have triggered such a beautiful dream but I am thankful to my subconscious for taking me to a place that many of us struggle for. From now on my motto, “ spirituality exists in every action that we do, all we need is a good sincere heart.”


  1. god bless, i never knew how to dream, thank god its a great treasure to me, keep it on always; We are waiting to read ur texts the meanings and interpretations

    1. thanks for appreciating..feels good that someone out there is listening to my feelings.

  2. Wat s spirituality according to there any relation between god and spirituality

  3. I believe that there is some power that is always guiding you and telling you from the back of your head on what actions to take. it is up to you to realize that. now, i am not sure if that is God or spirituality which acts as the guide.
